Recent content by codebrown

  1. C


    When setting individual resources pricing, I encountered a column that said "Recurrent Fee" and "Usage Fee". What is the difference between the two? Is "Recurrent Fee" the additional charge they incur per month (if billing cycle is one month)? Then what is "Usage Fee" if that's the case?
  2. C

    NTFS+IIS Permissions

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, that will be very cool if we can set permissions ourselves without issuing tickets.
  3. C

    NTFS+IIS Permissions

    Is there a way (or is it available yet) to set NTFS and IIS permissions in Windows-hosted accounts? Thanks.
  4. C

    Paypal Payment

    Thanks for the info. But I'm still not very clear about it (actually I wish there is a tutorial about this in Flash). By the way, I do not have any account with any of the merchant gateways you have in HSphere. Do I need that even if I am going to use PayPal? If not, then which option should...
  5. C

    Paypal Payment

    I would like to use my PayPal merchant account to accept the payments for the web hosting accounts that I have. How do I do this?