Recent content by nickfox

  1. N

    Joomla PHP register_globals setting is `ON` instead of `OFF`

    Can you explain what is causing the CGI error? thanks Nick
  2. N

    Joomla PHP register_globals setting is `ON` instead of `OFF`

    I got joomla 1.5 working perfectly on my home machine, windows XP, IIS 5.1 the search engine freindly urls work fine, no errors at all. so i think something is going on with the hosting provider server... nick
  3. N

    Joomla PHP register_globals setting is `ON` instead of `OFF`

    I'm going to try and get to the bottom of this. I have posted the question in the joomla forum. Noone has answered it yet but I think it's because of the weekend.,234606.0.html is discussion. Give me a yell if you figure it out. Nick
  4. N

    Joomla PHP register_globals setting is `ON` instead of `OFF`

    I have exactly the same problem. Did you figure it out? thanks Nick