Recent content by paulnet

  1. P

    Coldfusion and database issue

    I'm not sure if this makes a difference, but the datatype for the content colum is ntext with a length of 16. Also, this SQL DB was upsized from an Access database. Again, I don't know if this info helps, but I guess it's probably better to give more info than less. -Paul
  2. P

    Coldfusion and database issue

    I don't get any error, just blank where there should be "stuff". Here's the SQL statement <cfquery name="content" datasource="******"> SELECT TOP 1 CMS_CONTENT.content, CMS_CONTENT.date_post, CMS_PAGE.page_title, CMS_CATEGORY.category_name, CMS_PAGE.page_id, CMS_CONTENT.content_id FROM...
  3. P

    Coldfusion and database issue

    Hi All, I'm developing a CF site for a church and all the pages are dynamic (page.cfm?pid=xx). I'm using a datasource connection (both DSNs are the same. The one on my development computer and the one I have setup here at Jodo) to an MS SQL database. Here's the issue I'm getting: When I...