Directory listing

Directory listing and CName Records ...

Hey guys ...
Two question in one.

First ...
I?ve just created a CName record to redirect it?s petition to other website but isn't working.

Exactly in this manner:
Name: (The requested subdomain)
TTL: 86400
Class: IN
Data: (The target domain)

i can?t make it to work. Any advice ?!

And, how can i allow the directory listing from the control panel ?!

Thanks in advance !!!
is this a unix or windows account? Also, A records many time work better than cname records.
Thanks for your reply.

1. It?s a windows account. I've just to add a DNS Record (with the same details as above) and i've delete a CName record but still isn?t work. ? There's a delay time to be working ?

2. Additionally, i can't see the "directory listing" option in the "Web Options" features. Any advice ?!

Thanks a lot again ! ;)