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  1. L

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Merry Christmas! Is it sad that during the holidays we're taking time to check in on the forums? :)
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    Web sites/mail down

    Check out this thread: seems to be huge DDoS attack :(
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    Writing to web.config (

    During the development our software (, we had the same issues due to the need for full trust if configurationManager is needed. Maybe it works in certain settings, but we can't be sure if it'll work on ANY medium trust enabled hosting for our customers. So what we did...
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    Mixed Windows and Linux on same domain

    It can, but I was informed that we would have to pay more if the static IP was used for this purpose.
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    Cluster1 Hsphere Upgrades Discussion thread

    Re: Ms Sql 2005 Hi! Several of my clients are using Google Apps for the email so they have Custom MX records and also a Custom CNAME record as well. I just want to make sure the upgrade won't break this in anyway or if I'll need to recreate these records? Thanks!
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    The Email for Usage Notifications

    Ah.... nice :) Thanks so much tanmaya!
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    The Email for Usage Notifications

    Regarding the email that's sent when you are nearing a certain quota (e.g. disk usage, mail usage, traffic, etc.). Where exactly is that email address set? Is it under the [Account > Contact Info] of the respective domain? Let's say that instead of sending the user the email, I want the...
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    Transfer Log - Unix

    Thanks for the info Stephen!
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    Transfer Log - Unix

    I know this is an old post, but was wondering if someone could help clarify some of my questions: 1a. Just so I'm clear, the transfer log is what Webalizer uses to compile its statistics right? (But AWStats uses it's own internal one)? 1b. And just to clarify even more, that means if I...
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    Can't receive email... and I'm stumped

    I had a similar issue this week as well. I'm in MD and we had a decent sized thunderstorm and it knocked out my power. For some reason my DSL modem was reset and it was reactivated to it's default settings which set the firewall at a higher security level. (Initially when I suspected the...
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    For you ASP.NET people

    Antic, it's a web app in 2, developed and tested it right here on jodo :)
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    For you ASP.NET people

    Hey Guys, Well, I just want to thank all of you who helped us test out our ASP.NET beta version of the project management software and recently we just released our offical version (fixed all the bugs and improvements that you guys mentioned!!), so thanks guys! Also gotta thank the jodo...
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    Web Services and WS-Security (using WSE)

    Yep, you can't use WSE here, in fact, you can't use WSE in most of the shared host environment due to medium trust. I have been experimenting with using SOAP headers to authenticate web services request. Google on it, that should point you to the right direction.
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    Delete Subdomain

    Use the Web-based FTP in your control panel. I had the same problem and that was able to actually delete it
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    What is jodo's policy when one site is under DOS attack?

    Hi, I'm just curious as I read recently was under DOS attack and immediately, they were kicked off the host, it appears that wasn't even an options. I'm curious what if one of our site is under attack, are we going to get kicked off here? It's really not under the control of...
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    How to stream a movie in ASP.NET?

    Antic, that's an approach i never thought about!! but let me get this clear, are you saying I should do what the httpandler in that article does? How do I link to my .swf file then? In the article it's linking to the .swf directly <param name="movie"...
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    How to stream a movie in ASP.NET?

    Hey all, I'm looking for a solution similar to how youtube and googel video does.. you load a .wmv or .swf, it "Streams" the movie back to the client instead of waiting for the whoel movie to donwload. For us, I'm thinking of providing flash demostration to our customers, but some of...
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    Different default page behavior for UNIX vs Windows?

    Hmmm... that's strange... Go here and Scroll down to Directory Indexes: Manipulating Pages - H-Sphere Menu Based Guide - Positive Software Corporation Hope that works :)
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    Different default page behavior for UNIX vs Windows?

    escoles: Go to "Directory Indexes" under Web Services. There you can add index.asp.
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    Seeking your help to test our .NET 2.0 App

    Stephen, thank you so much for helping us out. If you guys like it after testing, please let us know. Without the excellent support of jodohost team throughout these few years, there won't be us. :) In case you guys want to have a bit more review of our software, I wrote a more detail...