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  1. L

    Hosting a subdomain remotely.

    Sorry for reviving an oldish thread but I'm have a question about this. My question is on the "other" end of things. How do I create "" on the other server (This is a jodo unix server) when "" is hosted on a jodo windows server? Basically I setup a unix...
  2. L

    WordPress Permalink URL Rewriting

    Thanks pratikvavadia! I got it to work :) Here's what I did to get it to work: 1. Submit a ticket to jodo and tell them which domain you need the php.ini file. They'll put it there. 2. The file already has those settings but they are commented out, so just un-comment them. 3. In...
  3. L

    WordPress Permalink URL Rewriting

    Will the php.ini work on a windows server?
  4. L

    question on 2.0, dbo permission and etc

    Hey ppl, I always thought I needed dbo permission to run .NET 2.0 apps with the buildin membership tables/store procedures?? Because if I don't, i'd get tweird errors when i use membership api... so I just found out earlier today that if if I do Exec sp_addrolemember...
  5. L

    update web.config permission

    Thanks again Stephen. I was trying to debug if I did something wrong and obviously, after the research, I realized OpenWebConfiguration() method is a design time method, which is not suppose to be used at runtime in a medium trust as indicated by that msdn2 documentation. so yeah, the web...
  6. L

    update web.config permission

    never mind. did some search Using the Configuration Classes --- To open a section in a Web configuration file, the application needs Read permission for the physical Web.config file, and for all of its parent files in the hierarchy. Managed code applications need to have permission to read...
  7. L

    update web.config permission

    Anybody used the .NET configuration API to update the web.config here on jodo? on one of my sub domain here, everything is fine, but on another, the exact same code caused a security permission, i just can't figure out why the differences. Here is my code and exception Configuration...
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    Upgrade/Downgrade Reseller Plans

    Thanks Yash!
  9. L

    Upgrade/Downgrade Reseller Plans

    I'm currently on the LiteHost plan and I'm planning on making a push to get more clients. So I was wondering if I can I upgrade to the ValueHost plan for 1 month and if it doesn't work out switch back to LiteHost? Or are there other restrictions?
  10. L

    RSA Encryption Public and Private Key

    Thanks Stephen, that wasn't me :) Good to know that there are more persistent ppl out there though, lol. From other forum I've seen, looks like there is no solution to this issue. From what I've read, you gotta grant permission to a paticular my document of direcory like \Documents and...
  11. L

    RSA Encryption Public and Private Key

    Has anybody implemented the asymmetic encryption here? I just tried and I kept getting error whenever I reached rsa.ToXmlString(); It kept on saying the file is not found. The same thing happens to rsa.FromXmlString(); it works on localhost, but on jodo, for FromXmlString(), I...
  12. L

    How to syn tables and script using script file?

    anybody knows a good tool to synch a local database table and store procedures with my database on jodo? Basically, I modified quite a few tables and store procedures on my local database, only added some and removed some. I would love to gerneate a script and execute it on my jodo db and...
  13. L

    Gmail & Hotmail for Domains

    Just wanted to report back. It's been a month now and everything is sweet :) The first few days were a little frustrating because some mail was getting lost, but I assume that's because of the whole DNS propagation thing. Anyway, after those initial few days everything is fine :)
  14. L

    Gmail & Hotmail for Domains

    tanmaya: Thanks SO MUCH! You're a lifesaver :) Everything works great. Well I'm officially using gmail for my domain now. I'll report back in a month and let you guys know how it is... keeping me fingers crossed :)
  15. L

    Gmail & Hotmail for Domains

    Thanks Tanmaya! That was the problem! To the other's that are interested, these are the steps that I took to get it to work: 1. Login to your control panel. 2. Select the domain name that you want to change the DNS. 3. Hit the Edit icon for "DNS configuration" 4. Delete the "Built in MX...
  16. L

    Webservices WSE 3.0

    Anybody braved enough to try this out? I'd like to invest a bit time into it by slapping it onto my exisiting webservices here on jodo because I need to put some webservices authenticaiton which wse3.0 supports. So I'm just wondering if anybody have used it and what are your experiences...
  17. L

    Third time lucky - 69% sexier than my other sites :)

    Hey Tristan, I just clicked on the "remember me" checkbox, but I still get an error. This is the error I get on RssBandit: Refresh feed 'Billster' failed with error: This XML document does not look like an RSS feed." The '*' would definitely help. As for changing "reference" to "name" that...
  18. L

    Sync SQL server 2000 with jodo

    Anybody knows how to synch your local dev sql server to jodo? I constantly changes/add tables/store procedures here, and I dont' remember all of them by the end of the day, so i do an export every now and then to jodo, but then, i need dbo permssion, so I have to send a ticket. Lately...
  19. L

    Running job on remote server

    Could you clarify it a bit more? I'm a bit confused. Are you deploying this app on jodo or are you deploying it onto their server? You don't need webservcies (it's not going to solve the issue anyway), you just need a cron job that kicks start a process that hits the webpage on a regular...
  20. L

    Forms authentication and cookies forms authentication uses cookie. However you have the option to make it cookieless and would route a series of string into the url string to keep track. I've tried to used it, but encountered some issues with it when it comes to referecencing images and what not in the .aspx...