Search results

  1. abhishek

    Cl1-web7, Cl1-web8, Cl1-web14, Cl1-MySQL3, Cl1-MySQL4, Cl1-MySQL6, Cl1-PGSQL4 down - resolved

    There is some disk related error(s) at node level.We are working to fix them as immediately as possible.
  2. abhishek

    Cl2-Web9 stopped responding - resolved

    There is some disk related error(s) at node level.We are working to fix them as immediately as possible.
  3. abhishek

    Cl2-Web9 stopped responding - resolved

    We are looking into it and will post an update soon.
  4. abhishek

    Cl1-web7, Cl1-web8, Cl1-web14, Cl1-MySQL3, Cl1-MySQL4, Cl1-MySQL6, Cl1-PGSQL4 down - resolved

    We are checking these servers and will post an update soon.
  5. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, Jan 28, 02:00:00 CST 2018 - Completed

    Maintenance completed. Hsphere Control Panel is now available for the users. Thanks for Co-operation!
  6. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, Jan 28, 02:00:00 CST 2018 - Completed

    Maintenance will be started soon. Hsphere Control Panel will not be available during this period.
  7. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, Jan 28, 00:00:00 CST 2018 - Completed

    Maintenance completed.Hsphere Control Panel is available for the users now. Thanks for co-operation!
  8. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, Jan 28, 00:00:00 CST 2018 - Completed

    Maintenance will be started soon. Hsphere Control Panel will not be available during this period.
  9. abhishek

    Email problems

    It has already been fixed. There was a spammer injected huge spam due to which mail queue got choked.We have cleared spam from mail queue to fix the problem.
  10. abhishek

    Few Windows server down

    Windows updates have been completed.All servers are live now.
  11. abhishek

    Cl1-Mail5 urgent maintenance

    Maintenance completed. Server is up but mails are processing slow.We are working to fix it as immediately as possible.
  12. abhishek

    Cl1-Mail5 urgent maintenance

    This server requires an urgent maintenance. We are doing and will post an update soon.
  13. abhishek

    Cl1-Web14 not responding - resolved

    It has been fixed. Server is up and responding normal now.
  14. abhishek

    Cl1-Web14 not responding - resolved

    Cl1-web14 is not responding over network at the moment.We are checking it and will post an update soon.
  15. abhishek

    Linux Plesk shared Hosting Control Panel Upgrade Maintenance: Saturday, 09 Sept 2017, 00:00 AM CDT

    Web configuration repair completed. Now this Plesk control panel has been upgraded to Plesk onyx Version 17.5.3.
  16. abhishek

    Linux Plesk shared Hosting Control Panel Upgrade Maintenance: Saturday, 09 Sept 2017, 00:00 AM CDT

    Plesk control panel has been upgraded, but there is some web configuration error(s). Web configuration repair is being done to fix such error(s).
  17. abhishek

    Linux Plesk shared Hosting Control Panel Upgrade Maintenance: Saturday, 09 Sept 2017, 00:00 AM CDT

    We will be performing a Plesk control panel(Linux) upgrade maintenance starting 00:00:00 AM CDT on Saturday, 09 Sept 2017. Here the control panel will be upgraded from Plesk 12.0.18 to Plesk Onyx 17.x.x. Our goal in this upgrade is to bring as many new features as possible, but in a manner with...
  18. abhishek

    Need answer for Trouble Ticket

    We have fixed your issue and ticket has been updated.
  19. abhishek

    Cl1-MySQL4 urgent maintenance

    Issue has been resolved.
  20. abhishek

    Cl1-MySQL4 urgent maintenance

    It has been completed.But there is still a problem while creating database user from control panel.We will fix it soon and will update here.