Search results

  1. abhishek

    Web10 urgent maintenance

    Web10 needs an urgent maintenance.For this, web services will be stopped for next few minutes.
  2. abhishek

    Cl1-web6 stopped responding

    Sorry to update here. Server is up an running normal for last 20-25 minutes.
  3. abhishek

    Cl1-web6 stopped responding

    We are checking it and will post an update soon.
  4. abhishek

    Cl2-Linsd1 Maintenance: Mon Feb 13 00:00:00 CST 2017

    Cl2-linsd1 will be under maintenance on Mon Feb 13 00:00:00 CST 2017. It will take approx. 15-30 minutes.During this period, web services will not be available from this server. We request your patience and co-operation.
  5. abhishek

    Plesk Version

    We provide Plesk version 11.5.30 on Windows shared hosting services and Plesk version 12.0.18 on Linux shared hosting services.
  6. abhishek

    Cl1-ns4 and Cl1-mail5 not responding

    Servers are up and responding normal now.
  7. abhishek

    Cl1-ns4 and Cl1-mail5 not responding

    Cl1-ns4 and Cl1-mail5 are not responding over network at the moment.We are looking into this and will post an update soon.
  8. abhishek

    Cl2-MySQL3 Urgent Maintenance - Completed

    It has been completed.Server is up and responding normal now.
  9. abhishek

    Cl2-MySQL3 Urgent Maintenance - Completed

    Cl2-MySQL3 needs an urgent maintenance.We are working on it and will post an update as soon as it gets complete.
  10. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, 08 Jan 2017, 01:00:00 AM CST - Completed

    Hsphere Control Panel Database will be under maintenance as per below schedule : ------------------------------------------------------------ Date/Time : Sunday, 08 Jan 2017, Midnight 01:00 hrs - 02:00 hrs CST Service Unavailable : Hsphere Control Panel. Duration : 1 hour Approx...
  11. abhishek

    Hsphere CP DB Scheduled Maintenance Sunday, 08 Jan 2017, 00:00:00 AM CST - Completed

    Hsphere Control Panel Database will be under maintenance as per below schedule : ------------------------------------------------------------ Date/Time : Sunday, 08 Jan 2017, Midnight 00:00 hrs - 1:00 hrs CST Service Unavailable : Hsphere Control Panel. Duration : 1 hour Approx...
  12. abhishek

    HSPHERE Speed

    We request yo to open a support ticket with your account user name.We will check, fix and update you.
  13. abhishek

    Win3 stopped responding

    Win3 is not responding over network at the moment.We are checking it and will post an update soon.
  14. abhishek

    MSSQL4, Win39 and Wincf3 stopped responding

    We are looking into it and will post an update soon.
  15. abhishek

    Sites Down

    Yes, it has been fixed.
  16. abhishek

    All Sites are Down

    It has also been fixed.
  17. abhishek

    All Sites are Down

    It has been fixed.
  18. abhishek

    Web9 Urgent Maintenance - Completed

    It has been completed. Server is up and working normal now.
  19. abhishek

    Web9 Urgent Maintenance - Completed

    Web9 requires urgent maintenance, we are working on it and will post an update soon.
  20. abhishek

    Sending compressed HTML/JS/CSS pages

    We recommend you to switch this website to a latest available PHP version 5.5 and then check compression.