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  1. E

    "Add email" script for hsphere

    here is my envelope in ASP Function AddMailBox(strEmailAddress, strDomain, strPassword, strDescription, strUsername, intAccountID) ' authenticate the user with admin access strAddMailBoxEnvelope = _ "<ns1:addMailbox soap:encodingStyle=""""...
  2. E

    Setting up default parked domains?

    i've also wanted a simular system for this for my clients before their website is active.. ie like ive had to add that manually, does psoft have a request feature where you can ask for features? if so i think this should be one. i know a few people that also...
  3. E

    asp arrays and MSSQL database

    thanks, i had a thought on this im going to use XML because i can then query the xml instead of having to split or create the data into an array. saving processing. and store the XML in the database
  4. E

    asp arrays and MSSQL database

    sorry wasnt quite clear i ment i have a ASP array and i wanted to save that array into a MSSQL field so the field holds the whole thing. i think im gonna have to use a deliminators system
  5. E

    asp arrays and MSSQL database

    does anyone know if there is a way you can save an array into a MSSQL database? thanks in advanced
  6. E

    API, working with asp now

    sorry was thinking of another api for another site . sorry about that i had a look and looks like they dont have one. i belive there are some php examples on the psoft forum from a user oin this boards when we where having problems with getting it to work.
  7. E

    API, working with asp now

    there is a php api example kit at psoft. the service is the wdl like if its admin feature its the admin.wdl or domain.wdl etc
  8. E

    Trash Can will not empty

    i have the same issue on my laptop
  9. E

    Speed comparision Win vs. Unix servers

    the mySQL, MSSQL, oracle Databases are on dedicated database servers. im not sure where PostGre is, iu think they are on the mySQL server. but cant be sure.
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    index.php on iis

    you need ot turn on directory indexes at the bottom of the website options menu, after selecting the sub domain from the list. then enter the index.php and it will be the default index file
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    Addon domain

    yes, go into the web control panel and click the domain under web options. there at the bottom if enabled should be instant alias that url is a tempory one you can use
  12. E

    Email limit question

    ok fair enough
  13. E

    Email limit question

    why not file the mass mail policy if you require more
  14. E

    External Image stealing

    if this is a static IP as probbs would br if a website, then you can get jodo to block calls / requests from that server/IP Address
  15. E

    I need a GMail invitation please

    Re: My info to y kolege you dont require invites anymore
  16. E

    Shared control panel is DOWN!

    get a traceroute for jodohost to see you may have a link between you and jodo down
  17. E

    Shared control panel is DOWN!

    seems a little slower but is working fine for me
  18. E

    "Add email" script for hsphere

    ive sent him the basics with the addmailbox envelope, seems to be ok
  19. E

    "Add email" script for hsphere

    yes this is quite easy to do i have used the envelope and have a whole secondary control panel running off hsphere ive programmed in asp, and seems to be working quite well i have it all built on functions like to add a email i use AddMailBox(address,Password,) then uses my bilt in functions...
  20. E

    Protecting Windows Folders

    the padlock in on the left side of the right pane, its erelivent but just on the side but it is right as i did so when writing it. i did it step by step myself and wrote it