Search results

  1. Atul

    Adding a domain name to reseller account

    At godaddy you have to do two steps (a) Create private Name Servers of this domain (b) Change name servers of this domain to your private name servers ns3/ns4) Please visit to see how private name servers are created at Godaddy.
  2. Atul Storefront

    These are storefront requirements: 1. 1.1 or 2.0 2. NO special server controls are required. 3. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 This should not have any problem.
  3. Atul

    Mail1 Scheduled Maintenance 10PM EDT

    Considering lots of customer trying to contect through POP and RAID rebuild still progressing, CPU load so far is within reasonable limits.
  4. Atul

    Mail 1

    We found some problem on hard disk. We are working on permanent fix.
  5. Atul

    Anonymous support

    If you opt for annonymous support, you will be billed for all your paid accounts.
  6. Atul

    What's happening????

    Dear Antonio, Billing has credited your payment. Paypal payments get credited automatically to your account when paid through CP or link in Invoice email. This works perfect with few hundred resellers who have chosen to pay by paypal. This is somehow not working with your account. We...
  7. Atul

    Problem with

    It is fine now.
  8. Atul

    Want To Make A Payment - Dont Know Account Details

    You can make payment for her by visiting Mention her name, email ID, city, domains (websites) etc. when payment. Send an email to billing after you have paid. Billing will contact you if any additional information required.
  9. Atul

    JodoHost moving ahead

    To strengthen JodoHost operation further, we are announcing some significant changes: 1. We are expanding our US operation. Yash will be flying to US tonight. He will operate from there for next few years. He is having over 6 years of programming and Web Hosting Industry experience. Yash...
  10. Atul

    Happy birthday Stephen!!

    Happy birthday Stephen.
  11. Atul

    Account Paid, Please Re-Avtive ASAP

    This was corrected through billing LiveChat. Payment credited.
  12. Atul

    The JodoHost web site menus

    Thanks for suggestion. We are looking into this.
  13. Atul

    Jodohost Review

    Payment has been refunded.
  14. Atul

    Jodohost Review

    Your cancellation is effective the day you filled-in cancellation form. Processing of this generally takes 48 hrs. We do some confirmations to ensure authrization is coming from account holder only. Sometime this delays the process. But no matter, refund is effective the day cancellation was...
  15. Atul

    Account Paid, Please Re-Active ASAP

    Your account was resume sometime ago by billing Department.
  16. Atul

    Office Power Failure - resolved

    It is caused by some upgradation in wiring electrican doing here. As a part of upgradation, if power goes out, each PC will have 10-12 hrs of UPS supply. In addition we have installed a 32 kW Diesel Generator as secondary backup.
  17. Atul

    How to remove a credit accidently given

    just enter 0.00 and submit.
  18. Atul

    Transfer files

    1. JodoHost can do this for you - 2. We have resolved this issue sometime ago. After you signup and setup your WWF, create a Support Ticket for reconfirming your setting.
  19. Atul

    2CO parameter problem

    We are not using that CP version., are you using V2 setting?
  20. Atul

    Convert trial acct to paid?

    Hi Rob, Please see this