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    Oracle Control Panel Doesn't Work

    Hey All, I am only posting this because it is hard to get any information from the ticket system. I post a ticket and they don't read it so we go in circles. Anyway, I am trying to create an account on Oracle and it is not letting me. The control panel is a piece of ? I thought it was...
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    People using our mail servers?

    I found my answer!!!
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    People using our mail servers?

    I was sent to look at: it tell me to turn on SPF's and there is no button on the control panel. Can you only turn on SPF's if the customer is on a Unix box?
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    Cerberus Helpdesk Delays

    I tried to submit a ticket and I get this: Hi. This is the qmail-send program at I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. <[email protected]>: XSP-XML...
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    People using our mail servers?

    You use SPF.....what is that?
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    Ok, I put in a ticket, but is there anything I can tell my user to do? Or do I wait till I get a response from the ticket?
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    Stephen, What if it is a win server. This is on Win6
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    I have a user that is trying to use paypal business and they are asking me about cURL on there PHP. What is this and how do I turn it on for them?
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    Oracle PHP

    Here is the code I try to use to connect: <?php putenv("ORACLE_SID=orcl"); $username = "username"; $passwd = "password"; $db="(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA =(SID = orcl)(SERVER = SHARED)))"; $conn...
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    Remote Debugging with Visual Studio 2003

    Has anyone tried to get remote debugging on the servers at jodohost? I was wondering if it is possible.
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    Failure notice from comcast

    was this ever fixed?
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    Oracle DSN's

    Hello, CF oracle DSNs are not supported currently and we apologise for miscommunication on this. Thanks and Regards Deepak I am not happy. Jodohost has been looking for people to get an oracle account, but when I get people to sign up you can't create a DSN for them. I understand...
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    MySQL Win - MYI file missing or corrupted

    I am now having this issue. I sent a ticket and they want more information. Fix my database please
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    Don't Understand Why?

    Yash, I understand that Oracle is a bear of a database. I used to use it during my Java days, and what I remember is not good. Like I said in the post, since day one support has been so much better. Undertand that I get upset because I am a software engineer myself and I understand the whole...
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    Don't Understand Why?

    Let me first say that I have been a reseller with Jodohost since they started reselling.(I might even have been the first). Since that day support has gotten so much better, and the system is 1000% more stable. All this being said, Why is it that when your support people answer either tickets or...
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    Oracle Problems

    Hey All, When I try to create an account using oraclecp I get this error: "Customer was not Added ORA-19502: write error on file "OCP_TECHAXES.ora", blockno 3200 (blocksize=8192) ORA-27072: File I/O error Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory Additional information: 3199ORA-00959...
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    .NET 2.0 Framework

    You need to open a ticket and tell them the domains you want on 2.0.....if it is an old server you might be in trouble....only the new servers have 2.0 on them.
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    VPS and ColdFusion

    I have quick question Can a customer Coldfusion on a vps linux plan?
  19. S 2.0 and MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle 10g

    Has this been resolved? I have a customer with a problem connecting.