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  1. J

    Dual Opterons coming soon

    Nice, I hear lots of good things about supermicro, just haven't had any personal experience with their hardware.
  2. J

    Dual Opterons coming soon

    Sounds great. As an ex-AMD employee (for 6 years), I definitely favor AMD's chips. It's made it much easier now since they kill Xeons on all benchmarks, especially benchmarks for database transaction and web hosting. I'm guessing, dual cores aren't going to be used? What line of servers did...
  3. J

    Virtuozzo + HSPComplete!!!

    I'd be interested if this happened too. Tomorrow is one year from the first post on this thread, so I guess it's not going to happen.
  4. J

    AJAX/Web 2.0 Hsphere CP Login Script

    never got around to working on the mail login script. yes you can convert to php easily and everything will work fine.
  5. J

    AJAX/Web 2.0 Hsphere CP Login Script

    You can download the source from
  6. J

    Does Server.MapPath value ever change?

    I had a hosting company do this to me. Things broke on the site as a result. You don't do something like move the sites to a new physical location on the drive and not tell everyone. Never had that kind of problem here though.
  7. J

    New sites

    good to see another austinite here. Go Horns!
  8. J

    SSL Certification and Aliases

    forwarding would be better, unless you want to purchase a cert for every one of your aliases.
  9. J

    SQL Server Compare tools?

    i've always used redgates tool, though I have an employeer covering the costs.
  10. J

    Another IP Address site

    Use this code for copying to the clipboard instead. It works in firefox and IE. <script> function copyid() { window.clipboardData.setData("Text", "this is data"); } </script> <a href="javascript:copyid()">Copy</a>
  11. J

    Another IP Address site

    "more" works for me, but copy ip (in firefox) doesn't. Must be IE specific code you're using.
  12. J and .net plus site

    I have decided not to do hosting any more and concentrate on my developing instead. So I am selling my domain names + site to anyone who wants it. The domains are as follows. Registered on: Fri 08/22/2003 Expires on: Tue 08/22/2006 Registered on: Wed 03/24/2004...
  13. J

    Mail 3, pretty much down

    I haven't been able to check my mail for the last 30 minutes. The sever monitor shows the response time of this server to be pathetic. Can you guys look into this?
  14. J

    How can I access my webmail?

    go to you'll have a few choices of apps to choose from. Try them all and see which one you like best.
  15. J

    Questions about Email Blacklists

    does anyone know where I can look up a domain to see if it's blacklisted? This has nothing to do with my hosting here at Jodo, but I'm trying to help someone else out who I think they have their domain blacklisted because emails aren't getting through. thanks in advance.
  16. J

    External Image stealing

    I'd do what scotty has suggested, it's only a few lines of code and should work pretty good.
  17. J

    AJAX and classic ASP

    ajax isn't language specific. it's just javascript and xml. for an example, you can look at my control panel login page It uses ajax to handle the log to jodohost's control panel without reloading to display errors.
  18. J

    Google Analytics - Free Statistics

    working here now too.
  19. J

    Google Analytics - Free Statistics

    How long does it take to see report data after adding the tracking code? After you first install the tracking code, it may take several hours for report data to appear in your account. Google Analytics generally updates your reports every hour, but data can take up to 6 hours to appear in your...
  20. J

    How long are webalizer stats retained?

    i was referring to the processed files.