ya no leaves. trying viewing in a real browser like firefox with good resolution. The vertical scrollbar pops in and out moving the site back and forth.
those vulnerabilities are more of a result of unqualified people creating forms, or should I say code generators creating forms, that aren't secure. All forms could and should be secure, but people are either too lazy to do so, or don't know how to.
each program has it's benefits. Photoshop can make jpgs just as small as fireworks. The problem is that most people don't know how to use it properly. Each app has it's strong points and weak points. Photoshop is definitely more geared towards photo manipulation while fireworks is more...
as long as what happened with my last provider doesn't happen then I'm cool. I think most of the people here know who that was.
I'd also like to put my vote in for a saturday morning move. My last host did their move mid-day on monday and as a result email was down for three days.
based on my testing with 2.0 in it's current beta, it breaks a lot of current dotnet sites, so I sure do hope there is a lot of testing of the final version before it's made live on these servers.
i use the reseller plan partly for this. I have a couple of clients I've developed sites for that I host too, but otherwise it's mostly for my own sites and friends and family. I more that cover my costs of the hosting with these people.
you need to check your limitations on the server not the client. Anyone can create their own form and have it post to your script with any data they want and they can have it post every second till the end of eternity. Limiting the number of submissions per an allotted time period per IP...
fckeditor doesn't use any components so nothing is needed to e installed on the server. you can just download the code and put it on your site without any issues.
here, I've got one. I wrote this a few years ago and can ensure that it works as needed. You can run any query from the query box, or you can navigate the tables and modify the data via forms, all contained in a single script. You can download that script here...
if you know javascript and xml then you already know how to do it. In fact, the xml is pretty loose (I usually don't use xml, but my own formats). You could actually do an entire site using ajax, but you lose the important back button feature (one reason flash sucks so much).
You'll probably want to use Enterprise Manager to put the data in. It seems that the web tool blocks certain html statements to avoid dangerous injections. I had this happen to me too recently. The other way would be to create a simple script that connects to the database and updates that...
for my ajax sample, check out http://www.jonyah.com for a way to log in to the control panel using ajax. error msgs are displayed without reloading the page. I also picked up ajaxscripts.com the day the phrase was coined, just haven't done anything with it yet.
when setting up the dts transfer you select the tables you want to transfer the data from/to. In the second column is the name of the table it's going to. You may have to click on that value and modify the username that owns the table.
there won't be a beta 3. after beta 2, .net 2.0 goes to release candidate stage. I'd recommend not wasting time with 2.0 beta now at jodo because there are still lots of issues with it. Even now, it's not fully backwards compatible with 1.1.
the only way it would make any sense to start...