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    creating a menu using javascript

    i dont think u get what i am saying.. its ok.. simply do we create the download link ?
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    creating a menu using javascript

    thanks ! yea i also guess the best way is to save only the url. i need some help in creating the download link... the appearence of the file download pop up window where it will have the (Open | Save | Cancel) buttons. for example to download a special font used in the website.......should...
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    creating a menu using javascript

    Thanks a lot! I also need some help in saving a PDF (or any other file type) into the database and having a link in the webpage for downloading them. ( something like having a link in the webpage to download a document which is in PDF format - i guess the file should be saved in the database. )
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    creating a menu using javascript

    hi, i'm building a website using PHP and MySQL and i'm trying to create a menu using javascript in which i'm facing some difficulties. can anyone direct me to a good tutorial or a sample. thanks.
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    how to retrieve images from a mysql database?

    THANKS A LOT...... SubSpace :] it worked....! i have another problem. ?( i am trying to get the maxmimum value in a particular field and increment the value by one and place it again in that field. the maximum value in (p_id) is 100.... what i want to do is take that 100 and add 1...
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    how to retrieve images from a mysql database?

    thanks for the reply ! yes! i used BLOB for the image field. and i am trying to show the image in a web page within an html file. when i tried using: ____________________________________________________ <? $query = "select image,i_filetype from product where product_code = '". $pid...
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    how to retrieve images from a mysql database?

    hi, i can store images in a mysql database, but i am having trouble to retreive the image to show it in a webpage. this is what i did : ___________________________________________________ @MYSQL_CONNECT("localhost","root","password"); @mysql_select_db("binary_data"); $query =...
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    thanks for the reply ! yeah ! there are many logs in the event viewer. the following is one of it. wuaueng.dll (2056) SUS20ClientDataStore: The database engine stopped the instance (0).
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    thanks for the quick reply ! sorry , but i couldn't find any log file in the MySQL folder.. i am really new to MySQL.. and really desperate to start working on it. thanks in advance.
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    stephen, yeah! it does crash ... it just stays on only for a few seconds ! i really need some quick help...!
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    hi, i am getting this error now when i start phpmyadmin. please help me with this..!! any idea of whats going on! Server localhost Error MySQL said: #2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query
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    MSN down for everyone?

    yea ! still can't sign in. :(
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    Stephen thanks for the reply.. do you mean that i should uninstall the current Apache, PHP, Mysql, and PHPmyAdmin and install the package you recommended. is there any other way that i can configure phpmyadmin with its config file for the password, or configure it to have a form based...
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    #2003 - Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

    hi, i am new to this forum.. i am getting the following error... Welcome to phpMyAdmin 2.5.7-pl1 phpMyAdmin tried to connect to the MySQL server, and the server rejected the connection. You should check the host, username and password in and make sure that they...