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  1. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Thank you Naman - is there a more general way to block whole countries? None of my sites would be of any interest to non English speakers.
  2. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Just had a long "chat" session with Ashish who was very helpful and got things going again. It's good to know that even when things look grim, Jodo have some great help available on "chat". So - happy again. But - how to block certain countries (China, Ukraine, Russia,...) from getting access...
  3. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Not everything has been unsuspended - I can't access the re-seller CP, it still says suspended Feb 5, 2016 10:36:46 AM even though some of the websites with are working again. I can't resume the account! Help!!
  4. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Looking at the log files, a ton of requests are coming from Anyway to block this IP address?
  5. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Mysteriously it's been "unsuspended" - no reply to ticket as yet. But - the problem remains - how to stop the sites being hacked? Is there any software available which might help? It's an ongoing nightmare...
  6. BluJag

    Websites hacked - account now suspended!

    Following the hacks of websites on Web4 I followed Stephens advice and have spent ages clearing out malicious php files etc and updated all the Wordpress sites and so on. Then, at suspended Feb 5, 2016 10:36:46 AM (EST I guess) the account was suspended I've raised a ticket asking for help (no...
  7. BluJag

    Websites hacked

    Thanks Stephen, I'm going through all the files on the server.
  8. BluJag

    Websites hacked

    Will do - thanks for the advice
  9. BluJag

    Websites hacked

    All my sites on Web4 have been hacked by a Japanese shopping organisation. I'm in the long process of trying to delete the thousands and thousands of files which have been uploaded This is a snippet from one of the html files <script type="text/javascript"...
  10. BluJag

    Web 4 or MySQL10 causing 503 errors

    Well done Akash, site now working again. Are you able to say what caused the snag - might help in the future? Thanks Rob
  11. BluJag

    Web 4 or MySQL10 causing 503 errors

    All sites except one now much better. Remaining site not working at all now. I've raised a ticket Ticket ID: DFO-53930-666 The site is on Web 4 using MySQL 10 It's a brand new fresh install of the latest Wordpress and it was working at first, all be it slowly. :-(
  12. BluJag

    Web 4 or MySQL10 causing 503 errors

    I've raised a 2nd ticket but no response (1st ticket didn't improve things): Joomla and Wordpress sites on Web 4 (running MySQL10.myhspere etc) are not responding for 80% of the time, instead giving a 503 error. Any chance someone from tech support could have a look at this? (I suspect its the...
  13. BluJag

    A few mails servers are on blacklists

    Stephen, someone is using one of my domains to send spam because I get several of these every day. They aren't coming from my domains mail server (I changed the password recently). What can I do? I'm worried the domain will get blacklisted and affect everyone else here at JodoHost...
  14. BluJag

    With Jodo since 2005

    With Jodo since 2005
  15. BluJag

    A few mails servers are on blacklists

    The new form says I'm a New Member - not so - have been with Jodo since 2005
  16. BluJag

    A few mails servers are on blacklists

    This IP address is shown by Can you somehow fix this? IP Query Result: IP Address: Risk Level: Medium Risk Description: This IP address is frequently used for sending Spam
  17. BluJag

    Web4 *must* be sick!

    Thanks cc9 and nzkiwi - I've pm'd Stephen. You've both shed some light on this problem with my Joomla sites and I'm very grateful. Thanks Rob
  18. BluJag

    Web4 *must* be sick!

    Thanks cc9 - but unfortunately the forum won't let me in to view your post! But, if the mighty Stephen is reading this what do you make of it? (MySQL8 that is?)
  19. BluJag

    Web4 *must* be sick!

    Thats great, thanks Stephen. I'll raise a ticket and ask for a move.
  20. BluJag

    Web4 *must* be sick!

    Crikey, well beyond my meagre understanding! Not sure what to do now - some clients screaming blue murder - I don't suppose upgrading to a different reseller package would make any difference? The service level guarantee of 99.9% does not apply to Web4 in my opinion - from the users point of...