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  1. B

    on-going poor performance of server win6

    I'm having the same problems: my ASP.NET applications are running very slowly or just hangs. I've also purchased alternative hosting from another company with none of the problems so will eventually move all my sites over. Every few months this problem happens but usually it is quickly...
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    List files in a directory

    Thanks, yes it's for a subfolder only. Gavin
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    List files in a directory

    Hi It is possible to list files in a directory on a Windows reseller account? I have some files that I want my visitors to download and do not want to create a Webpage. Thanks Gavin
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    How to read machineKey value?

    Hi I’m trying to access my Web.config’s machineKey on my Windows Shared hosting account using ASP.NET WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath) but Jodohost’s security policy does not allow me. Is there another way to...
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    Difference between Reseller and Shared Windows hosting

    Ok, thanks, I'll open a ticket
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    Difference between Reseller and Shared Windows hosting

    I found this thread: Does it still apply?
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    Difference between Reseller and Shared Windows hosting

    I need another MySQL DB so I'll either need to pay another $2 for the extra DB (total $20.95 per month) or move up to Platinum: $24.95 per month. If I switch to Reseller I'll save at least $3 and have more resources so I don't understand the pricing of your plans ?( I do have one IP more...
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    Difference between Reseller and Shared Windows hosting

    Hi Can you tell me what the difference is between the Reseller LiteHost ($17.50) and Shared Windows Hosting Gold ($18.95)? I'm on Shared Windows Hosting Gold and I'm paying more for less: LiteHost: Diskspace 17GB, BW 65GB, Domains Unlimited, MySQL5 Unlimited Gold: Diskspace 2.6GB, BW...
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    Can't connect to MySQL server

    My Web site does not get very many visitors. I'm on a shared Windows server, maybe the server is overloaded? I'm just using the standard vBulletin settings which should be the same as this forum.
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    Can't connect to MySQL server

    Hi I sometimes get an error message from vBulletin with the following message: mysql_connect() [<a href='function.mysql-connect'>function.mysql-connect</a>]: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql2.g********.com' (10054) I opened a support ticket but Support wants me to reproduce the...
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    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    I didn't do anything. I'm on mysql2. So maybe they have fixed mysql2 but not mysql4?
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    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    Everything is fine for me now, my last MySQL connection problem was in Jan 7 2007, so nearly ten days without any problems :)
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    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    Looks like the problem is back again X( Can someone tell me what is wrong with the database server? Everything was back to normal after 23 November, now three weeks later my visitors have problems viewing the forum again. I got 10 "Can't connect to MySQL server" e-mails today. Gavin
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    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    I haven't receive anymore database error e-mails from vBulletin for the last 4 days, looks like whatever the problem was its been fixed or has disappeared :D
  15. B

    MySQL/ASP Intermittent Connection Issues

    I'll 2nd that, I'm also on a Windows machine running PHP and MySQL with vBulletin. Everything: Web site, database has just slowed down since you made the updates. At first I thought it was just me but it's not and quite a few customers are affected. I hope we an get some kind of official...
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    MySQL/ASP Intermittent Connection Issues

    Was the updates applied about 2 months ago as that was when the problems started? Gavin
  17. B

    MySQL/ASP Intermittent Connection Issues

    I have a similar problem which I posted on Database support, my site is on a Windows server but I an running vBulletin which has problems connecting to MySQL every day for the last 2 months.
  18. B

    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    Sorry but the problem is back. My forum is used very lightly, at most maybe just 2-3 visitors so I not sure why it is casuing a problem for the server. As you can see from the screen shot below I received 9 e-mails today from vBulletin reporting it could not connect to the database! On Nov 12 I...
  19. B

    Over 20 "Can't connect to MySQL server" from vBulletin per day!

    Thanks tanmaya, the site does seem to run faster now, before I had to click Refresh on the browser a few times before the page loads. I remembered that one of your colleage made some changes to the php.ini file, maybe that was the problem? Anyway, let?s hope whatever you changed fixes the...