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  1. B

    Mail Relay didn't kick-in during this morning's email outage

    Ahhh Ok...I thought the mail relay was always running there and would always automatically catch the emails if they were undeliverable to the main server due to some sort of issue...thanks for clearing that up for me Yash... I'm excited about the new mail server...hopefully that will lead to...
  2. B

    Mail Relay didn't kick-in during this morning's email outage

    Greets folks... When we had our little email issue this morning, someone attempting to send an email to my client's address got bounced...shouldn't the mail relay server have picked up the mail until the main server was accepting mail again? This would provide enough illusion of working...
  3. B

    Interfacing HSphere

    Greetings Fellow Resellers Anyone had any luck interfacing with HSphere to perform common control panel functions? For example, I may want to (from my own web application) create a customer account, or add an email address to a customer account, create a database or database login, etc...
  4. B

    Reseller with client's SMTP Port Blocked

    In an effort to curb spam, some ISPs have blocked outgoing connections on port 25 to any mail server except that ISP's mail server. As a work around we've been having users use their ISP's mail server to send mail and setting a reply to for the email account they've hosted with us. One...