Search results

  1. S

    Cool. I went through and checked all my pages and it seemed like the index was the only one with the untitled page title. Definitely grateful you pointed that out though. ...I also cleaned up the navigation bar, and tried to get the forum and page closer to the same general color scheme. I...
  2. S

    Hey, just thought I'd share my site in this forum since I've been here for a few months... My site is finally almost to a point where I can start building some actual traffic, but I realize there are still a lot of bugs to be worked out and features to add. Basically what it does is catalog...
  3. S

    Cool... I love the site design, very pleasing to the eye. .....How are you planning on building a coldfusion portal around the forum, if the forum is written in php? ....Just curious cause I'm currently struggling with integrating a forum into my site. ...Coldfusion rocks. That's all I...