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  1. L

    Unable to receive emails from GMAIL

    I created a ticket [JH #GSU-13328-951] but maybe somebody else experienced this problem. Some GMAIL users can not send email to our domain in JodoHost. Any ideas? Emails are bounced back with this message: ********************************* This is an automatically generated Delivery...
  2. L

    WINCF ColdfusionMX server Session Timeout setting

    I need to increase the session scope timespan but it can not be larger than the server setting. What is the Session timeout setting on CFMX in WINCF Thanks!
  3. L

    WINCF or WIN6 Problems?

    I was under the impression that the server where my site was hosted was not very reliable (WIN6) so I signed up for a demo account from w w w . alertsite . c o m to meassure it.. I was having a mere 98% uptime most of the times... on Sunday Aug 22nd I had 89% uptime. I was tired that most of...
  4. L

    Uploading large files limitations CFFILE Jodo

    Does Jodohost impose any limitations regarding the maximum file size for upload? I want to get print jobs via forms but some files are over 50Mb. Does anybody has a sample form to submit multiple files at ones using CFFILE? Thank you in advance! Lanzagaz