403 error for index.asp

I am not quite sure why I am getting this error. I replaced the index.html file of one of my sites with index.asp. I now get a 403 error when attempting to view this page. On another server, using hosting controller I can change the search order of index pages and add new ones if necessary. Is there something I am missing about HSphere? Or am I just being a bit slow today ?( I would appreciate it if someone could explain this to me.

EDIT: I forgot to say that if I nav to the page directly it views fine... www.domain.com/index.asp
There is a feature in your web option section of the control panel called Directory Indexes, go there, and add index.asp as an extension and your site will come up by default.
Thanks Stephen. Figured it was something simple, I am just no entirely familiar with HSphere yet. I really appreciate the prompt response. Thanks guys :D
I am having the same issue.
I am trying to do this for .cfm files.
I get the 403 error, but I have Coldfusion turned on, ASP, ASP.NET turned off (tried them on too), and .cfm is one of my file extensions. ANy help? Thanks

Click on Web Options > YourDomain.com and then turn on directory indexes. From there, enter index.cfm or whatever your homepage is and then press submit
i have edited the dir indexes so index.asp is default homepage of site. but I cant manage to get default for phpBB2 dir to be index.php.

my dir index has :

index.asp phpBB2/index.php

I thought this was the correct way to set them.

Please help.
