is blocked by jodohost ?


hI ~

We need your help really ~

Because It's a emergent event !

I can't link to Jodohost's mail server & admin UI with ip ~ !!

But I can link to jodohost's admin web from others office's PC with another ip !

I had checked my router and I use my notebook to link jodohost's admin web with ip alone .

I bold assumption, if firewall of jodohost is it live in to prevent our ip from perhaps ? ?( ?(

Please don't mind my saying so , just really need your help!

Best rdgs,

"I can't link to Jodohost's mail server & admin UI with ip ~ !!"

So, I can't to sent a ticket on my admin UI !!!

If I must sent it with others IP ?
I submited ticket about same problem almost 7 hours ago but no answer.
Probably guys are tired after all those problems and went to sleep for a while :O

Sadly my customers doesnt sleep ;( and they are buggin me a lot X(
Hi~Yash :(

As you wish ....

I had linked to my admin UI with others IP and sent a ticket 41070 ....

Please help me to check the emergent trouble ..

Best rdgs,
Your IP is unblocked. It was suspected of trying to get unauthorised access to server.
Hi tanmaya ~

Thanks of your help !!

After your assistance , We can link to my admin UI with IP ...

I think it maybe cause of "ASPEmail COM".

Because we sent many message to our member with the ASPEMAIL. It relay the smtp server "mail.i-couple.net" !!

And the smtp server "mail.i-couple.net" is one of our plan that it is created by our reseller tool .

If it is true ..

I will very worry about it !!

Best rdgs,
Your IP was blocked because you were causing our mail servers to flood with thousands of emails!

Please do NOT use our mail servers for those sort of mass mailing activities. It can lead to account suspension. We were not able to trace you down from that IP and hence we couldn't warn you

Please take note of this
Hi ~ Yash ~

Thanks for you ~

But I have a doubt about it !

Because we just sent some (< 50) message to our member with the ASPEMAIL. It relay the smtp server "mail.i-couple.net" (it is created by our reseller tool .)!!

Why it will causing the mail servers to flood with thousands of emails ?

I am very sorry ! But I can't understand that !!

Best rdgs, ?(
OK, I am may be mistaken. But your IP was blocked for either unauthorised access attempts or spamming

Whichever, I'll confirm for sure and email you logs