Alert: win6 seems to be unreachable

hold on please. Just a minor problem with IIS after a maintenance routine

We'll be up any min
Issue resolved.
We're investigating why this happened

For the record, Win6 was down for about 6 minutes.
Yash said:
Issue resolved.
We're investigating why this happened

For the record, Win6 was down for about 6 minutes.


I frankly do not know how much time, but I knew about this outage because of an alert from one of my customers and then, when I reviewed this forums there was not any notice

Anyway, 6 minutes is not too much, my only complaint is that I'd rather be notified by JodoHost


P.S. By the way, I have not experimented practically any problem since the nightmare of win5, so I am sorry if I did not congratulate you for that :)
We have a monitoring software in place. We get alerted in 15 seconds about a downtime

About 60 seconds later, we already have a few tickets complaining about it :)
So yes, customers keep a good vigil
BTW if it means anything to you.. I logged in my CP during outage and my account was reported over-quota by 'unknown bytes of unknown limit' or sth like that.. so may be outta space?

I received this answer from support.

resellersupport said:
A: Hi,
Win6 is working fine. Can you tell us the name of the sites whcih are not working.

Best Regards

Just a suggestion: improve internal communication inside the support team

carpe-diem said:
BTW if it means anything to you.. I logged in my CP during outage and my account was reported over-quota by 'unknown bytes of unknown limit' or sth like that.. so may be outta space?

That happened because the CP couldn't communicate with Win6