All sites are down!

Fixed. Apparently we were working on a Cold Fusion ODBC problem on this server and IIS was turned off

This should never have happened, we are investigating it..
Looks like they're back up now... thanks for the quick work, I hope the JodoHost staff can be a little more careful in the future, i'd hate to feel like i needed to constantly check in on my sites 24/7 (hitting refresh gets tiresome) :(
Sometimes Cold Fusion has trouble starting up with IIS. So we turn off IIS, turn on Cold Fusion and then turn on IIS. But apparently the last step was forgotten :( :(

Very very sorry, thankfully it wasn't down for more than 5 minutes
WebDeveloper said:
i'd hate to feel like i needed to constantly check in on my sites 24/7 (hitting refresh gets tiresome) :(

it happened just before you reported it. Our monitoring software would have picked it up in another 5 minutes if you hadn't informed us..