An idea for allowing MSSQL backups...


Here's an idea which will allow direct, full-database backups to be performed at will on MSSSQL servers. This is a service that Jodo could even charge for on a per-db basis - I certainly wouldn't mind paying a few $ monthly (and charging my clients for it of course) to allow direct backups like this!

1. IIS is set up on an sql server, but only accessible internally, to the other web servers on the network.
2. A web app is written simply to trigger a backup on the sql server (using DMO), zip up the resulting file, and deliver it to the client.
3. Clients can call that web app with a XMLHTTP GET call, directly from web server to sql server. At no time is this exposed to the web at large, so it's secure.

The client has to pass the exact sql connection info for security - e.g. [IP of SQL Server]/getbackup.aspx?dbname=xxx&uid=yyy&pwd=zzz then save the zip file which is returned.

Simple realy..

As suggested above, Jodo can offer the service as an optional addon, which is paid for on a per-DB basis.

Unless I write it for them, in which case it's free for me. :) LOL
I had actually started a plan for something like this, with a twist of allowing it to show the recent BAK files for the user as well.

My vision was one site, where the user would then select the SQL server from dropdown menu, and enter the user/password for the database, it authenticates to the master DB of the selected server, and gives access to the specified database after a permissions check, and then have a list of available backups for that database listed for download, or to generate a backup like you mentioned that is sent direct to them and not stored on the server.

I believe this could also be integrated into hsphere even if just a link on the MSSQL DB listing page, and that would make it a bit easier to find.
I pleased you're thinking about it Stephen. As I said a while ago I would be delighted to have something like this. It would be a real 'plus' for JodoHost to offer this because I haven't found any other low cost MS SQL hosts that give the user direct access to the db backups.

Happy new year everyone ...

Indeed, that's good news! You'd be the only kid on the block with one of those in his pocket for sure. :)

Although first priority of course are the Aus servers! :D
Yes, this is something that was only something I was planning for some time down the road, I only mentioned it in reply to what you had suggested, to say that I already had this in my mind as a new offering at some point.