Another DSpam question...


Ok, I always get confused when this comes up...
I recently switched one of my personal domains to my reseller account (still on Cluster 1).
I have noticed that I am getting less email (and spam). I did not modify SPAM settings whatsoever (until now).

1. What should the default rules have been (shouldn't I have been receiving SPAM, but marked as SPAM?)
2. I just set the SPAM Processing as 'Mark as SPAM' and SPAM Check Level as 'Normal' in HSphere. What should happen to SPAM? Shouldn't I be getting it? Or is DSPAM somewhere else???

1. By default spam processing is set to "Remove", so it will be bounced if considered spam, unless you set otherwise.
2. In this case you should certainely get spam, however, RBLs+"rDNS existence check" cuts down lots of spam.
If you think you are not getting emails, feel free to create a ticket with name of sender and possible time when the email was sent. We will investigate it.