I can see in the logs it was not down for over an hour and 15 min
however just after 5AM it started rebooting, coming up for 5-10 minutes, and rebooting again with memory errors. While i was on my way back to the datacenter Manish shut it down to prevent the continual reboots from harming other hardware, it rebooted on its own 3 times, Manish caught it the next time and shut down properly. I brought it back up ASAP after taking it off the rack and changing the hardware out and putting back in. It is so odd to me that ram would just "go out" like this, but this is the 2nd time for it to happen, the other time it has happened was on WinVPS4 server.
I just pulled out the old stash of bad ram from WinVPS4, it was corsair brand like what I just removed from Win23, so there is something consistent there, possibly a bad batch from the factory if we purchased it all around the same time, which is quite possible, but just like WinVPS4 it is triggered only in certain cases, which should not happen on ECC ram, it should correct the errors. I put in Samsung 2GBx2 on the replacement.