AOL Issue with Client's Forum!

I have a client using VBulletin and any members using a AOL address, none of the E-Mails sent through this forum is received.

I have seen several post about AOL issues, and not sure if the mail server is blacklisted or what is causing this, as I see several AOL issues in posts about mail problems.

Please let me know so I can let client know.
None of the mail servers are currently blocked by AOL
But if you are using a local SMTP server, that would be the issue as local SMTP servers aren't configured with rDNS ips at the moment..

Simply use the mail server to send email to AOL..
With client using VBulletin and E-mails are sent when members sign up etc., is this the mail server sending these if the client has no E-mails address in their control panel? Seems they are you using a off board E-mail address for their forum.

I know the script from VBullitin sends the E-mails, but does it use your server to do it??

Little confused... 8)
Here is a error from messege sent via VBulletin for a lost password from one of their members. It was returned and following message was sent to Forum owner.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, due to being unable to connect successfully to the destination mail server.

I went into their admin area in VBulletin and see the SMTP option is not being used for sent mail, should I tweak this area and use the mail server. I'm thinking this might correct things??
Correct, if it is not set to use the mail server with SMTP settings it is not connecting to AOL becsaue the localhost does not have rDNS configured.