2.0, trust level, and database connections


It seems under 2.0's medium trust, which is the recommended trust level, and which may or may not be jodohost's trust setting, it is not possible to do OleDb, Odbc and other similar connections. The only connection that is available is SqlClient -- which seems blatantly commercial on Microsoft's part.

But apparently there is a way to extend the medium trust settings to allow these connections.

Is this possible? Or is there a workaround that some others have figured out?
We are not running at full trust levels, you are correct.

I will look at this link to enable this, I did not realise they were disabled. Thanks for pointing it out. I will try to have this done on Win2 and Win13 in the next 24 hours.
when will be this available? I have a customer with this "issue". He can not connect to msaccess from ASP.NET 2.0
I am quite sorry for the delay, I had to track down a spammer, and that was very important at the time, we caught him beofre any reports, but some spam still got out and I expect reports anytime. :(