Awstats not refreshing/updating



Has anyone else got a problem with their Awstats not refreshing, or am I doing something wrong?

I've placed 5 (Five) tickets about this problem and each time I get a reply telling me it's fine, I go and check my stats and low and behold, my stats have updated...........but when I go to check the day after, in this case three days after - they haven't updated again.

Log files are all there!

And i'm going to confuse the issue by mentioning the fact my Webalizer stats have never worked!

Are you sure you aren't see a cached version. No customer on Win7 has reported any Awstats issues to us
I'm not going through a proxy server and i've tried a Hard Refresh (CTRL+F5)

But it does refresh when one of your technicians has a look. hence why they keep on telling me there isn't a problem!

I just tried to go into my control panel to have look a the status of the webalizer issue too.....But my CP is not responding.

Well I got a reply from my fifth ticket about this issue, telling me that it was all sorted

This has been fixed. Kindly check them and let us know if you face any problem with them.

Feel free to contact us for further assistance.

But it's not sorted, the reply was 2 days ago (20/11/04) and yes the stats had refreshed, but i've checked yesterday and today, and both webalizer and awstats have not refreshed since then!

Yash - you said you'd have a look, did you get a chance?

Due to an invalid entry in IIS metabase, the stats were not getting generated.
This is fixed and the stats should be updated soon.