Backing up sites and DBs


I have a reseller account.

My main site is on win5 and is about 500MB in size. Much of it is content uploaded by my members. I only have an ISDN internet connection, so downloading the files to make a local backup copy is not an option.

Could I create a new spare account (that will be created on the latest server (probably win8 )) so that I could backup my win5 files?

Is there a way of copying the files, or could I Open a support ticket and ask them to copy them for me?

Any suggestions very welcome.

we keep previous two days backups for all data on dedicated backup server, so your files are totally safe.

Somehow, I wish you hadn't made that claim ?(
I would feel happer knowing that my data was on at least two servers. Could you tell me if that would be possible - and if I could do this myself on a regular basis?
