Just out of curiosity, how do so many bots sign up for this forum? Given it has reCaptcha on the registration form it should be fairly safe. I have much simpler captchas or checks on some registrations and they're never affected by automated signups. Seems they must be bypassing it. It seems unlikely this forum would get human-powered bot signups.
e.g. Online now: SteantUnarbep, MeetsMergefew, INONDOVADIP, reommaBax, JentSypevep, WawOpepsyapex, unotrurtura, Upsecehem18vmecvvof, Wawdrurodsdew, obtaiteGemo, ploloboable, Infuviani, Suttonubm, FleliaJiche, TreaclePraige, RorExpepeTeet, cicyOveptirty, Shoultmuh
All of those look like bots to me. (Apologies if not, TreaclePraige...
e.g. Online now: SteantUnarbep, MeetsMergefew, INONDOVADIP, reommaBax, JentSypevep, WawOpepsyapex, unotrurtura, Upsecehem18vmecvvof, Wawdrurodsdew, obtaiteGemo, ploloboable, Infuviani, Suttonubm, FleliaJiche, TreaclePraige, RorExpepeTeet, cicyOveptirty, Shoultmuh
All of those look like bots to me. (Apologies if not, TreaclePraige...