buying a reseller package.

hi guys,

(can't be sexist) and gals

im creating a hosting website and will be buying a reseller account for it..

now im ok on Windows and Linux plans.
but i have a few questions about VPS

i under stand what they are.

but what does it mean by ram and proccesses - take liteHost as an example

(i know what ram is)

but does that mean 64 mb is for all the vps accounts or per a VPS account.

and for processes.

does that mean that you have 10 proccess to spread around your VPS acounts . ot each account can do 10 processes.

a over view on the way it works would be good. (the 2 features). i had a look in the reseller FAQ section but couldn't find any referance.

thanx in advanced

(i know your ment to know about everything.)
64MB and 10 processes are the total VPS resources you get and which you can sell. Its not per account

resources such as RAM and processes are very expensive to sell and I believe we have pushed out the lowest possible rates we could for our resellers
thank you for the quick reply.

i wasn't suggesting the prices aren't good. i was just making sure i weren't gonig to do my self out of money (LOL)...

thanks again for the help.
sorry to be a pain. just to clarify

64MB and 10 processes are the total VPS resources you get and which you can sell. Its not per account

so i had 2 VPS accounts

they both could have a maximeum of 32MB of ram (if even)

i take it this is how much ram the accounts run on. (example i have 1 GB in my computer).

i take it that would be quite high ammount of ram for one account.

and 5 prosesses per an account would be quite high.

yet again thanks for the help

most appricianted