Can not create db users

I created an MS SQL database for the first time. When I go to add db users, the bottom drop down list MSSQL Login is empty and I can't add any users. I have submitted a ticket: 34241-112. Please help. Thanks.
That is not a valid ticket ID for either internal or Cerberus, make sure if you have a reseller plan you have enabled "mssql login" in the plan setup, that is mssql users.
I thought only numbers should be enough to track the ticket. Here it is:


I am not on a reseller plan but Silver plan Windows shared hosting. Add user is not working. They replied to the ticket but didn't read my second message describing the above problem. I am stuck.
I just received an answer from Yogesh which disappoints me. He did not read my second message on the ticket. My question has now nothing to do with creating database with scripts.

I have now created the database. But when I go to add db users, I can't. That dialog does not work. The lower combo box is empty. PLEASE READ THE SECOND MESSAGE ON THAT TICKET. I am also creating another ticket just describing this problem again.
OK. I got the problem solved. When I had only one database login, this problem was there. When I added a second login, it started working. So I guess this belongs in the knowledge base.
It sounds to me more like a script error than something that should be in knowledge base, what you have said should not be the case.