CDO email error message question


Hi all and sundry. Hang on.. if I'm saying hi to "all", who is left to be "sundry"?

aNyWAys, one of my clients' sites tried to send an email, using CDO in Authenticated mode, and an error occurred upon invoking the Send method. The error was:

-2147220973 The transport failed to connect to the server.

Now.. does this mean the email never made it internally from the web server to the mail server, or is this a message from the mail server saying the email didn't get sent? That is, is this an internal problem or an external problem?

Second question... can I use *queueing* and Auth at the same time? Or does auth preclude queueing in CDO?

Thanks to all and/or sundry for any advice.
auth and queue normally don't work, but I have been installing MSMQ on the servers for about a year now, so you may see if it can work with MSMQ services.

It looks like the email was sent at the exact moment a tech was working on/restarting qmail on the server and it did a connection refused.