CL1-Win24 and Win25


US Operations
Staff member
We are checking on the node for these servers, it looked to be a power supply issue, but now maybe it is something more after a power supply went out.
I am working to change it all out and be up in 1 hour, I had planned to be gone before now on an urgent personal matter, so both getting this up and my own matter are very important to me.
Rebuilt, testing at every level up to the extra network card, and at that point it quit working on new hardware. I am working hard to ID exactly what is going on, this is among the weirdest issues I have ever had. I have worked now on 3 pieces of totally different hardware with no success so far. The data is all intact for a worst case scenario, but I would prefer to keep these two on an isolated node as they were.
I have it up on the workbench now, configuring network for new cards and then moving it to the rack.
5 minutes or less to all up, the network config didn't want to take initially (saying already existed)
Both up now, this nightmare behind me. I will be evaluating what all happened here, and how to improve it.

Bascially it seems the power supply went out, and took the motherboard and NIC with it, I made the mistake of using the same nic initially which seemed to take out the new power supply, luckily not the new board and server. So with a swap of nics again (and the ensuing delays due to network configs), we are up.