CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack - resolved


US Operations
Staff member
we are seeing what looks to be a DOS attack on CL2-WEB1, it is having some heavy packetloss due to it and being checked.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

We have taken it offline for a moment while tracing out the matter.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

We brought it up, it was good for about 10 minutes, then it all returned again, we are still working to track down and stop
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

seeing about 50% packetloss just on it right now, as of now no other servers impacted.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

We are currently in on the backup network for it working to see if we can get more details as the public interface is working quite badly.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

that worked, we found the site with attacks now, and able to get stopped, we should have it back soon.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

Much improved now, down to just a small bit of packetloss and working to get that out too.
Re: CL2-WEB1 - high packetloss, DOS attack

Looks like people running old wordpress versions targeted for a 'bombing' that injected spam to them in a big way.

Please keep your installed software up to date, to prevent your site from being a spam source or victim, as well as keeping your site and server online.