Cl2-Win6 website slow

Issue has returned, working on it again. Trying to find the abuse making the problems.
The server is up, but raid is rebuilding yet again.

I am going to start a restore process to copy files to a new node, hopefully we can get things resolved and this will not be needed, but should the need arise we will be a step ahead with a large amount of files copied at minimum, which is the slowest part of any move process.
some pages were loading blank for some people, we restarted IIS and can not replicate now with multiple forced reloads.
I have blocked a couple IPs that were attributing themselves to 1000's of connections to the server, we are working to see if any more come. The symptoms of this were unlike normal DDOS/DOS attacks so until some of the connection reset/blank pages started being served up this was not on the radar as a major issue.

Edit: Moved to specific topic.