client email access problem


I'm having a curious problem someone might be able to help with.

I have a customer who wanted an FTP/Email only hosting without a website. Fair enough, I set one up for him.

I set up a sub-ftp account and made a directory in the top level called ftp for him to upload and do what he needs to.

I did NOT give him username & password for the CP but only for the ftp login to the sub account.

When I went in to set up his emails I discovered he had set them up himself. I have no idea how he could do this since he did not have access to his CP.

He won't tell me either.

Has anyone any idea of how he could do this??
There are some default accounts in place, ar you sure you are not just seeing these?
No. 100% sure he set up several new ones. At first he set them up and they wouldn't work because he'd made the size 0MB for each; but then he changed them to 40MB or so and they worked.