Could Not Load Type Error


Seems a bit odd this one, but maybe someone can help me?

I've developed my web site on my own local server before uploading to JodoHost. The web site works fine on my local web server. However I get the following error when I attempt to click the link on the JodoHost site.

Go to the following URL:

Click on any of the "Training Certificate" links at the bottom of the page.

This results in a "Could not load type 'ShowImage'" error.

Researching this problem on the Internet advises that it is caused by the application not having been recompiled.

Clues anyone?

Is ShowImage a separate DLL? I have seen this message when the page is being loaded but the class does not exist. This can be caused by a new page being added but the application is not recompiled, or if the class is a separate DLL that is not present.