Custom MX record is not working



I am trying to add a custom MX record for one of my hosted domains. However, every message I send seems to not reach the external mail server. I always receive a failure delivery message:

Unable to deliver message to the following address(es).

<[email protected]>: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 553 sorry, that domain isn't allowed to be relayed
thru this MTA (#5.7.1)
Giving up on

It's obvious that the message is being rejected by one of the jodohost servers. This should not happen since the MX record is pointing to another IP (external server) which also has a higher priority than the default MX entry created by H-SPHERE. I even disabled the email service of that domain in H-SPHERE, but enabled or not, it's the same, because I get errors

I opened a ticket about this more than 1 hour ago, but got no answer

Note: domain is hosted in Win6
Another thing. I do not believe that this a DNS propagation issue since I tried to send messages from webmail (Horde) of one of the accounts hosted in my reseller account. They are supposed to be aware of the changes very quickly because they use the jodohost SMTP server.