

I searched and haven't found anything about it yet. Is it possible to get dashCommerce (http://dashcommerce.org/) running on the Windows servers with JodoHost? Since it requires medium trust I'm guessing maybe not?

Here's the section from their install guide:
When running dashCommerce, your installation, depending upon your configuration, may need to make
web requests to other sites (such as PayPal, USPS, UPS, etc.). Doing this requires a modified medium
trust. Some hosters may not allow for modified medium trust, so you should check with your hosting
provider before deploying dashCommerce to your hosting environment. Provided a modified medium
trust is allowed, you will have to add the following permission to your modified medium trust file at the
MACHINE level:
<IPermission class="WebPermission" version="1" Unrestricted="true"/>

We run in a medium trust, and this looks like something I could look into allowing to pass.
Hi Stephen,

Cool, thanks. When will you know one way or the other if it's something that you'll allow?


At the moment I havne't slept in two days, I am about to find a bed and sleep about 5 hours, after that I will wake and this will be high on my priority list for checking.

I will likely not do it on every server at first, so I'd need to know which server you are on if approved.
Man, go get some sleep!

The domain that I'm looking to install this app on is hosted on win4 (win4.g********.com).

Thanks again,
I am going to allow this change with some limits as I have seen it can cause a DDOS risk(and asp.net has been a large ddos target in the past) I won't at this time commit to making the permission standardized across the servers but will use this as a testbed, it will be done within the next 48 hours.