Dedicated Server Network issues


US Operations
Staff member
We are seeing some packetloss and outages at the datacenter for dedicated servers. They are not on the same network or facility as our shared/reseller network.

The entire datacenter network seems to be impacted by this matter and it is being looked at wit very high priority.
We have detected, as well as one client so far, some packetloss issues with the dedicated server network again at the Dallas Datacenter. We are checking on it but we do not manage this network it is managed by the datacenter in a blend. If they continue to mismanage other options will be sought for making this right. We will report back ASAP.

The last issue was caused by a route flapping continually and confusing the router, which isn't supposed to happen. We got the initial RFO but were awaiting for a final.
We are seeing that some subnets are having issues more than others here, s we go through servers checking them one by one, some are working 100% and some are working 20% yet others in between that. We are working to nail down any tips that we can pass along and help to get this resolved so that further efforts can be made to make a solution that will keep this from happening further.
Waited a while to post, but packetloss is now gone and latency was bad for a while but that has evened out now as well, looks back to normal.