Dedicated Server questions


1- Is there a guarantee on hardware replacement? How long?

2- How are security patches handled?

3- How do you detect and deal with intruders (hackers)?

4- How long does it take to set the servers up initially?

5- Remote-Reboot tools available?

6- How is general support handled? Timeframes expectable for answers?

6.1- Is "Anonymous" support available, via helpdesk or something?

Thank you
1. We follow industry standard in case of hardware failure. Our DC is staffed 24*7 to handle these kind of situations(if any). Also, it depends upon hardware, that failed.
2. You have full access to server, so it depends on you and your security policy. What we do is
3. Again, you have to contact us, if that is the case. Our windows/unix administrator will handle it from there. But it is recommanded to customer to mentain a strict security policy.
4. 24 Hrs minumum..
5. Yes, you get a remote console for that.
6. This is issue dependent. But you can expect it inline with Jodohost's.
6.1 Interesting. would be considered with reseller branding of servers. However Cerberus HelpDesk is included.