Discard All Incoming Mail Question


If you enabled "Discard All Incoming Mail" and you have a "Mail Forward" on a particular email address.....will it forward first and then discard?

What exactly is the question? A mail forward doesn't store your mail anywhere. All it does is send the mail somewhere else. If you forward mail to a mailbox that has discard on, then yes, the mail will get discarded on arrival at that address.
Yes. If there's a forwarding address and discard incoming mail is checked, the message should be forwarded and not stored in the email account.
Why have discard all with a forward? It is just redundant, it does not store and forward anyway, it is more likley to cause problems than be of any assistance to you.
If you check forward without discard, a copy is saved in the email account and one is forwarded. The account will fill up if the user doesn't download or delete their messages. When it reaches quota, messages will bounce back to the sender and won't be forwarded.

Don't check the MAILBOX --- just check MAIL FORWARD and enter the email address in the text box.

Don't need to create a real mailbox and then discard for a simple forwarding account. Or am I missing something here??????
I act as Postmaster for a number of my customers. As I am sure you are aware, the Postmaster account must be a mailbox.

Rather than set up my mail application to check numerous accounts, I have set up the clients' Postmaster account as forward and delete. That way I only need to check a single mailbox - something that makes my task easier :)
great question, I would also like to do the above for the postmaster account.

From the thread I couldn't quite see where the question had been answered as asked, so I will ask it again.

If you set "Discard All Incoming Mail" on the postmaster account will it forward the mail to a "Mail Forward" before discarding it?
I have a scenario that might require a:
- Mailbox
- Discard All Incoming Mail
- Mail Forward

A client sends mail from his website email address, but likes all of his incoming mail handled by his MAC mail account. (He likes its SPAM filter more, etc.)

To prevent his website email box from maxing out, we added "Discard All Incoming Mail," which works perfectly ... well almost.

The only issue is, not all email is discarded: some email still arrives in his email. Specifically, it is the alias emails (alias -> primary forwarded email) that are not being discarded properly.
I know I'm really late to this party, but a situation has come up where keeping a mailbox, deleting all incoming mail and forwarding onto another box is a needed situation.

I have a client who has an employee who is going out on maternity.

They want to both preserve her existing mail, but forward all newly incoming mail to another user.

I would think that keeping a mailbox intact would be ideal so they can pick up their mail when they return from leave would be wise, but without getting any new incoming mail - which is now being forwarded to another user.

At any rate, I'm going to disable the mailbox after forwarding some of the mail to the other user, and just enable the forward, because I don't want any shenanigans...

Anyhow, more an a response to Stephen's question about why you would want this set up. Maybe there's a better way to do it, and I'm all ears!