Disk Usage for accounts


Hi all,

Recently, I've been keep getting this resource apporaching limit, 2.4 g out of 2.5g,

but the isue is I went into Reports/diskusage, I see four plans I have and disk usages are

113.51 Mb
134.81 Mb
751.58 Mb
614.43 Mb

= 1614.33 mb.

where did the extra 800 mb coming from?

In addition, I looked into that 614.43mb plan and the domains under it, I downloaded them ALL to my hard drive, in reality they are only around 300mb, where did the extra 300 mb coming from?

Is mail quota part of diskage usage?

More importantly, I'm loosing grip on how to monitor the diskuage, please advice.
okayI checked the "magnifying" glass icon, I see database is accounted for as part of disk space.

still, the total of 4 plans = 1.6 gb. there are still 800mb not accounted for.
you also have logs counted if they have transfer logs enabled in their CP domain options. Then you have mail as well.

In addiiton these limits are AVERAGES so if it was high during one period it may show higher average.