Disk Usage Quota



Is there any way of checking my current disk usage from the Control Panel? There is a disk usage icon, progress bar, etc. on the statistics box down the left hand side of the page, but this only appears to give statistics based on current billing period, and not in total. Maybe I'm reading it wrongly, and if so, I would be thankful if you could put me right.

I have a nagging feeling that our databases are pushing the limits of our disk quota and would like to make sure that we are still in the black.


To get the physical disk space used on the web server, click on FTP manager.

Database space used can be seen by viewing the stats for the individual database
Hate to be a pain, but, is there any intention of adding future functionality that would allow me to see at a glance what my usage is without having to go through totaling various fields.

It would just be great to have a field that says your useage is x, your total quota is y and you have used z%.
