Disk Usage

What is the best way to see what disk usage I have for each account and within each account what folders are taking up how much space?

Thanks for the help. I am trying to determine where all of my space is being used.


you can use the reports function, or login to each user and look at their gauge.

(btw check logs folders or awstats_archive*.log files, the ones older than 7 days, and all awstats log achives(not htm files) can be removed safely)
Thanks for the tips. I went to my reseller main page and it says that I have:

Avg: 957.82/3000 MB
Last day: 819.38 MB

When I login to my Admin account and I run the disk usage report for all items back 7 years (I have only had this account for 9 months) it shows the following:

afkave Titanium Windows 499.81 Mb
bsshost Service Account 1.46 Mb
(account ID and email address removed)

That only adds up to 501.27 MB. Where is the other 318.11 MBs?

When I login to each account I see this:

afkave -
Avg: 809.18/2000 MB
Last day: 817.79 MB

bsshost -
1.59/100 MB

Notice that these two number don't match up for the accounts?

My second question was how can I see which folders on the site are taking up the most space?

Thanks for the help!

I don't know how to see what each folder is using unless you want to send a support ticket and have us process that for you manually.
I will check the folders and see if that helps.

But my original question wasn't answered. Why is there such a discrepancy with the disk amounts between screens? Which one is correct?

We can't answer that here, you will need to submit a ticket and have us look at it. I thought I said that before :)

You did not say that in order for me to know what the numbers in my first post meant I needed to submit a ticket, you said if I wanted to know how much space is occupied in each folder, I would need to submit a ticket.

Do I need to submit a ticket to understand why there is such a large difference in my space availble depending on where I am looking?


jegesmaci said:

You did not say that in order for me to know what the numbers in my first post meant I needed to submit a ticket, you said if I wanted to know how much space is occupied in each folder, I would need to submit a ticket.

Do I need to submit a ticket to understand why there is such a large difference in my space availble depending on where I am looking?
I believe HSphere also includes traffic between the web and SQL servers as traffic within your quota. Are you using SQL for your database?