Domain Registration - What am I missing


I'm finally working my way around to getting HSphere set up so people can sign up for hosting and domains using my site and I'm running into an issue:

At I see where it says

# Log into your admin CP.
# Select Domain Registrar in the Settings menu.
# Click Define Terms/Prices for the top level domain you'd like to configure.

When I click on Domain Registrar all it says is:

Domain Registrar Manager

Is there a setting I need to change somewhere? I'm in the process of signing up for an eNom reseller account and finding a merchant card gateway.

Also, do I need to get this cleared up before I set up any of my plans?

Last I heard, JodoHost doesn't use the internal domain name registration feature within H-Sphere. Because of that, we can't use it as resellers. The documentation you referred to is just the default documentation from H-Sphere which includes all of the features that "might" be available.