Dotnetnuke (DNN) File Permissions


Hi -- I recently signed up as a reseller -- we are planning on using DNN on many of our sub-hosts. However, I have been dismayed at the slow speed to change the needed file permissions. Many ISPs recently have begun offering DNN preinstalled pon request to get around some of these issues -- maybe JODO can think about that?
Anyway -- my issue -- it has been almost 24 hours since I submitted a ticket to change the file permissions for our DNN root for DNN to install and work. No reply to my ticket -- and the install keeps erroring so I am assuming that the permissions have not yet been changed.
Anyone else have slow ticket response?
I hope this has just been a slight and rare oversight...
never mind -- apearantly I used the wrong ticket system -- I did not realize the hspere ticket system was obsolete. Once I got directed to cerberus, the ticket was handled quickly.