DotNetNuke Setup Problem

I installed Dot Net Nuke 4.4.1 today...the install seemed to go fine. However, I cannot log in as the administrator/superuser. I left the installation template with the default settings.

I thought the username/password would be host / dnnhost, but that did not work, so I tried admin/dnnadmin.

According to the default install template, host/dnnhost should have worked, but they did not.

Any ideas? Did I misread something somewhere?

I CAN register new accounts and log in with those, but of course they are not admins. So I know the portal is working...

Also, I cannot use the MSSQL admin tool from the control panel - it will not let me past the login screen where you enter your server IP address and username/password. May or may not be related...

I submitted a support ticket, but have not yet heard back...

If anyone can offer any insight, I would appreciate it!

Dan (dbfusion)
I used the AquaStudio tool to manually modify the password to the same as my new user that I then I was able to log in as the admin.

Not sure what the actual admin password was set to, but it was not host/admin either.

I've cancelled the ticket.

Thanks for you help - it pointed me in the right direction as far as not using that built in SQL tool...

Also, it looks like DNN filled in the email address of my admin user as '[email protected]', (my domain was my actual domain of installation). Of course I didn't know that was the address it was using, so that address did not exist. Live and learn...

I just did a 4.4.1 install a couple nights ago (I do lots of them for clients) and it worked fine. You are correct in the default user/passwords

Two things that might point you in a good direction...

1. The host and admin user/pass are listed in one of the install xml files -- can't remember it off the top of my head, but it is searchable in the install docs somewhere. (I think you can control the host/admin emails too)

2. you mention that you modified the admin password -- just so you know, the 'admin' account doesn't do squat. You really need the 'host' account functional.

Finally, I might try to wipe the install and start over -- sometimes DNN hiccups just a little bit on install, things can seem to be right, but then later on little things seem to be not working quite right... Doesn't happen a lot, but it is a possibility...

btw, what is the URL?
I installed Dot Net Nuke 4.4.1 today...the install seemed to go fine. However, I cannot log in as the administrator/superuser. I left the installation template with the default settings.

I thought the username/password would be host / dnnhost, but that did not work, so I tried admin/dnnadmin.

According to the default install template, host/dnnhost should have worked, but they did not.

Any ideas? Did I misread something somewhere?

I CAN register new accounts and log in with those, but of course they are not admins. So I know the portal is working...

Also, I cannot use the MSSQL admin tool from the control panel - it will not let me past the login screen where you enter your server IP address and username/password. May or may not be related...

I submitted a support ticket, but have not yet heard back...

If anyone can offer any insight, I would appreciate it!

Dan (dbfusion)

I guess you had submitted a ticket i am not sure though, but we managed to get your password working.

And sent the reply. :)
I was able to log in with the admin account, but things did not seem quite right (as timruns mentioned). In fact, I updated one of the skin settings, clicked update, and the the site would not longer come up. Gave me a "parameter cannot be null" error message.

I've wiped the install, recreated the database, and I'm starting over. this time I will modify the install template to set up the super user account password and email (i.e. host), so hopefully no hiccups this time...

thanks for the help...
Finally, I might try to wipe the install and start over -- sometimes DNN hiccups just a little bit on install, things can seem to be right, but then later on little things seem to be not working quite right... Doesn't happen a lot, but it is a possibility...

btw, what is the URL?

Actually this is happening pretty consistently for me. I am on my third clear and reinstall and am still having the same issue. All attempts to login as host or admin return me to the main page with no admin or superuser options.

Any other ideas or things I should be looking for?

This is common enough as I am following a thread at the DotNetNuke forums on this same thing. So solutions yet.

I am running my installation from Visual Studio as I am trying to develop a module. When I attempt to login I this this exception in the Output window...

A first chance exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
An exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code